A sermon preached at Paules Crosse laying open the Beast, and his marks. Vpon the 14. of the Reuelations, vers. 9.10.11. By Richard Sheldon, a conuert from out of Babylon. Doctor in Diuinitie, His Maiesties chaplaine.
- Title
- A sermon preached at Paules Crosse laying open the Beast, and his marks. Vpon the 14. of the Reuelations, vers. 9.10.11. By Richard Sheldon, a conuert from out of Babylon. Doctor in Diuinitie, His Maiesties chaplaine.
- Author
- Sheldon, Richard, d. 1642?
- Publication
- At London :: Printed by William Iones, dwelling in Red-Crosse Street,
- 1625.
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- Subject terms
- Catholic Church -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800.
- Bible. -- N.T. -- Revelation XIV, 9-11 -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800.
- Sermons, English -- 17th century.
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"A sermon preached at Paules Crosse laying open the Beast, and his marks. Vpon the 14. of the Reuelations, vers. 9.10.11. By Richard Sheldon, a conuert from out of Babylon. Doctor in Diuinitie, His Maiesties chaplaine." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A12095.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed January 8, 2025.
- title page
TO THE TRVLY RE∣VEREND, AND RELIGIOVS Doctors and Pastors of the Reformed Chur∣ches of Great
Britaine; and namely, toIohn D.Boys, Deane ofCanterbury; Iohn D.Young, Deane ofWinchester; Francis D.White, Deane ofCar∣lile; and toWilliam D.Kingsley, Archd. and M.Iohn Sanford Prebend ofCanterbury, &c. -
A Sermon Preached at Pauls Crosse the first of
September, &c.- And the third Angell fellowed them with a lowd voyce saying If any man worship, &c.
- And the third Angell followed them, saying with a lowd voyce, &c.
- If any one worship the Beast, and his Image, and receiue his marke in his hand or forehead, the same, &c.
- The same shall drinke of the wine of Gods wrath, which is powred out without mixture into the cup of his indig∣nation. And he shall be termented with fire and brim∣stone, in the presence of the holy Angells, and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoake of their tor∣ment ascendeth vp for euer and euer.