A discourse concerning the fishery within the British seas and other His Majesties dominions and more especially as it relates to the trade of the Company of the royal fishery of England, offered to consideration in order to subscriptions for raising a stock, for carrying on the affairs thereof upon the terms proposed.
- Title
- A discourse concerning the fishery within the British seas and other His Majesties dominions and more especially as it relates to the trade of the Company of the royal fishery of England, offered to consideration in order to subscriptions for raising a stock, for carrying on the affairs thereof upon the terms proposed.
- Author
- Company of the Royal Fishery of England.
- Publication
- London :: Printed for the Company of the royal fishery of England,
- 1695.
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"A discourse concerning the fishery within the British seas and other His Majesties dominions and more especially as it relates to the trade of the Company of the royal fishery of England, offered to consideration in order to subscriptions for raising a stock, for carrying on the affairs thereof upon the terms proposed." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A36087.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed January 21, 2025.
- title page
A Discourse concerning the
Fishery within theBrit∣tish Seas; And other His Majesties Dominions, And more Especially as it relates to the Trade of the Company of theRoyal Fishery of England; offered to Consideration, in order to Subscriptions for Raising a Stock, for carrying on the Affairs thereof, upon the Terms Proposed,viz. -
Now, A Few things touching the Proceedings of the Company thereupon; Briefly,
viz. -
First, The Abstract of the said Constitution: Entituled, -
Secondly. The Abstract of the forementioned Articles, Terms, or Conditions, touch∣ing Subscriptions: Entituled, -
Some Preliminary Considerations and Advertisements towards Induceing and Encouraging,
The Com∣pany of the Royal Fishery of England,&c. By a joynt Stock to carry on the Trade and Affairs thereof,viz.
Now, A Few things touching the Proceedings of the Company thereupon; Briefly,