Due order of law and justice pleaded against irregular & arbitrary proceedings in the case and late imprisonment of George Whitehead and Thomas Burr in the city and county gaol of Norwich, from the 21st day of the 1st moneth called March, 1679, to the 12th day of the 5th moneth, called July, 1680 being an impartial account of the most material passages and letters to the magistrates relating to the said proceedings with the prisoners above said : wherein the people called Quakers are vindicated and cleared from popery : published for information and caution on the behalf of true Protestants and English-mens birth-rights.
- Title
- Due order of law and justice pleaded against irregular & arbitrary proceedings in the case and late imprisonment of George Whitehead and Thomas Burr in the city and county gaol of Norwich, from the 21st day of the 1st moneth called March, 1679, to the 12th day of the 5th moneth, called July, 1680 being an impartial account of the most material passages and letters to the magistrates relating to the said proceedings with the prisoners above said : wherein the people called Quakers are vindicated and cleared from popery : published for information and caution on the behalf of true Protestants and English-mens birth-rights.
- Publication
- London :: Printed by Andrew Sowle and sold at his shop ...,
- 1680.
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- Subject terms
- Whitehead, George, -- 1636?-1723.
- Burr, Thomas.
- Society of Friends -- England.
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"Due order of law and justice pleaded against irregular & arbitrary proceedings in the case and late imprisonment of George Whitehead and Thomas Burr in the city and county gaol of Norwich, from the 21st day of the 1st moneth called March, 1679, to the 12th day of the 5th moneth, called July, 1680 being an impartial account of the most material passages and letters to the magistrates relating to the said proceedings with the prisoners above said : wherein the people called Quakers are vindicated and cleared from popery : published for information and caution on the behalf of true Protestants and English-mens birth-rights." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A44360.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed January 21, 2025.
- title page
- A Short TABLE Directing to the Matters treated on in the following Case.
A Brief Account of the late Proceedings in the City of
NORWICH, againstGeorge Whitehead andThomas Burr, byFrancis Bacon, Recorder, about their late Imprisonment in the said Ci∣ty, the 21st Day of the 1st Moneth, calledMarch, 1679/80. - Here follows a Copy of the Prisoners Letter, delive∣red to the Mayor before the Quarter-Sessions, con∣taining a twofold Request, &c.
An Account of the substance or principal Parts of the
Proceedure at the
Quarter-Sessions atNorwich, holden for the City and County of the same, the 18th Day of the Moneth, calledApril, 1680. In the Case ofGeorge Whitehead andThomas Burr, Prisoners for the Testimony of their Conscience.Francis Bacon, the late Recorder ofNorwich, being Prosecutor, Accuser and Judge: But the Mayor and other Justices more indifferent and Judicious towards the Prisoners. -
Here follows a Copy of the
Commitment from the said Sessions. -
Here follows a Copy of the Prisoners Certificates, which the
Francis Bacon, would not permit to be read in Court. - letters of prisoners
For the
Mayor andJustices of the City ofNorwich. -
To the
Recorder andSteward ofNorwich. The account of thePrisoners Case, more comprehensively stated. -
For proof of matter of Fact in charge, that it may plainly appear
the said
Francis Bacon, when Recorder, awarded two kinds of Pu∣nishments, viz.Imprisonment andFines, for one pretended Offence: Let the following Ciation (being a Copy of one of his War∣rants for leavying the Fines ) be compared with his Warrant of Commitment before ci∣ted, both which relates to the said Meeting, hed the 21st day of March (so called) 1679. -
against the late Recorder's requiring the Oath of Allegiance ofGeorge Whitehead andThomas Burr, Prisoners, both when first committed, and in Court, and his late Com∣mitment from Sessions. -
Praemunire. -
A more general Plea in the Prisoners case and behalf, relating
both to Conscience, Reason and Equity; First,
In reference to the Grounds and Reasons of the Oath of Allegiance; Secondly,In reference to the Reason of the Penalty of a Prae∣munire, according as both are clearly specified in the Titles, Preamble and Purport of the Statutes (& in thenature of theOath it self) in that case made and provided,i.e. 3Jac. c. 4. and 7Jac. c. 6. and 16R. 2.c. 5. -
Here follow some
Exceptions, which the saidG.W. andT.B. Prisoners, had in readiness in Court against the manner of their Impri∣sonment by the Sheriff without a Warrant, on the 21st of the Moneth calledMarch, 1679. -
Exceptions against the Warrant of Commitment, dated the 21st of
March, Anno Dom. 1679. -
And here it may not be amiss to add some
Notes out ofDalton and others, concerning the Breach of the Peace, and Assemblies; what are unlawful, and what lawful. - Here follows a Copy of the Discharge of the aforesaid Prisoners.
The Religions Assemblies of the People called
Qua∣kers Vindicated: First,From the Charge of their being in Distur∣bance of the publick Peace. Secondly,From the Charge of being Seditious Con∣venticles,mentioned in the Act of 22 Car. 2. Thirdly,From the Charge of being under Colour of Pretence of an Exercise of Religious Worship, in other manner thn is allowed by the Liturgy, or Practice of the Church of England. -
Norwich. AnAccount of the People calledQuakers sent to Prison byFrancis Bacon when he was Steward, and also since he was Recorder, and those Mayors of the City ofNorwich who joyned with him since the late Act againstConven∣ticles, 22Car. 2. came forth. -
Norwich. A briefAccount of what Goods have been taken from some of the People calledQuakers inNorwich, since the Year 1670. to this 30th day of the 1st Moneth, 1680. by Warrants fromFrancis Bacon (when Steward and Recorder) and three of the Mayors ofNorwich, who assisted him upon the lateAct against Con∣venticles. -
Here follows a Copy of an
Address from our suffering Friends inNorwich, in the Year 1679. directed to the Knights and Burgesses for the County ofNorfolk, and City ofNorwich. - ERRATA,