Observations on the letter written by the Duke of Buckingham to Sir Thomas Osborn, upon the reading of a book called The present interest of England stated written in a letter to a friend.
- Title
- Observations on the letter written by the Duke of Buckingham to Sir Thomas Osborn, upon the reading of a book called The present interest of England stated written in a letter to a friend.
- Author
- Bethel, Slingsby, 1617-1697.
- Publication
- London printed :: [s.n.],
- 1689.
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- Subject terms
- Bethel, Slingsby, -- 1617-1697. -- Present interest of England stated.
- Buckingham, George Villiers, -- Duke of, -- 1628-1687. -- Letter to Sir Thomas Osborn.
- Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1660-1688.
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"Observations on the letter written by the Duke of Buckingham to Sir Thomas Osborn, upon the reading of a book called The present interest of England stated written in a letter to a friend." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A48635.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed January 22, 2025.