Several reasons and motives, for the speedie passing of the Act against transporting of treasure, and the preventing of other abuses practised on the coynes and bullion of the nation.
- Title
- Several reasons and motives, for the speedie passing of the Act against transporting of treasure, and the preventing of other abuses practised on the coynes and bullion of the nation.
- Author
- T. V.
- Publication
- [London] :: Printed by Will. Bentley,
- anno Domini M D C L. [1650]
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- Coinage -- England -- Early works to 1800.
- Precious metals -- England -- Early works to 1800.
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"Several reasons and motives, for the speedie passing of the Act against transporting of treasure, and the preventing of other abuses practised on the coynes and bullion of the nation." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed January 21, 2025.
- title page
SEVERAL REASONS AND MOTIVES, For the speedie passing of the ACT against
Transporting of Treasure, and the Preventing other Abuses practised on theCoyns andBullion of the NATION.- Placcaet and Ordinance.
Placcaet and Ordinance for
Flanders atAntwerp the fourth ofOctober 1585. -
ARTIC. xiii. -
ARTIC. xiv. -
ARTIC. xv. - The Policie and Laws of this Realm have alwayes aimed at, and in∣tended the Increase and Augmentation of Money, especially that of Silver and this diverse ways.
That all
se Acts are defective and not effectuall to the ends above∣said, for the reasons following. - And for the Act now drawn and propounded to be passed.
In an Ordinance and Placcaet for the general Regula∣ting of the
MINT, published atBrussel the18 ofMarch 1633, is inserted. -
In an Ordinance and Placcaet for the Regulating of the
Mint; Published inBrussels the last day ofMay, 1644. is inserted. -
In a Declaration of the King of
France, for the Regu∣laring of the new price set upon the Light and Clipt Species of Money: likewise for the observation of the prices ofGold andSilver imployed for the Gold-smiths work. It is also well expresly forbidden to melt the Money, and to Trasport them or other materials ofGold andSil∣ver out of the said Kingdom. Printed atParis 30 ofOctober. 1640.