Babylons beautie: or The Romish-Catholicks svveet-heart. Containing a most lively and lovely description of Romes cardinall vertues and rarest endowments, with her apostolicall benedictions on kings and kingdomes, under her tyrannicall subjection; briefly and bravely depainted, in their native-splendour. A worke most seasonably composed for the revived eternall shame of all the mad-maintainers and idolizers of Romes great Diana, so cried-up and fought for, now a daies, by papists, atheists, and formall malignant Protestants. / By John Vicars.
- Title
- Babylons beautie: or The Romish-Catholicks svveet-heart. Containing a most lively and lovely description of Romes cardinall vertues and rarest endowments, with her apostolicall benedictions on kings and kingdomes, under her tyrannicall subjection; briefly and bravely depainted, in their native-splendour. A worke most seasonably composed for the revived eternall shame of all the mad-maintainers and idolizers of Romes great Diana, so cried-up and fought for, now a daies, by papists, atheists, and formall malignant Protestants. / By John Vicars.
- Author
- Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652.
- Publication
- London :: Printed by G.M. for Ralph Rounthwait,
- M.DC.XLIV. [1644]
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- Subject terms
- Catholic Church -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800.
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"Babylons beautie: or The Romish-Catholicks svveet-heart. Containing a most lively and lovely description of Romes cardinall vertues and rarest endowments, with her apostolicall benedictions on kings and kingdomes, under her tyrannicall subjection; briefly and bravely depainted, in their native-splendour. A worke most seasonably composed for the revived eternall shame of all the mad-maintainers and idolizers of Romes great Diana, so cried-up and fought for, now a daies, by papists, atheists, and formall malignant Protestants. / By John Vicars." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed January 8, 2025.
- title page
- TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE, THE Lady Rebeccah Wollaston, Lady Majoresse of the most famous and renowned City of London, and to the Right Worshipfull the Ladie Anne Sprignall, Two most eminent Patronesses and Patterns of Virtue and Piety: J: Ʋ. ever prayeth all encrease of Grace here, and fulnesse of Glorie hereafter.
- To the Reader.